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So much goes on in the world of Haddon Hall Baptist Church. To catch up with what has been been happening in our community see photos below...
What a brilliant time was had by all, despite some leaky tents and some wild wind. Â
From 23-26 August a group of almost 40 adults, children and young people, from Haddon, set off for the Wildfires Festival. They had an amazing time together: eating, getting to know each other better.
having fun, leaky tents, learning more about Jesus and spending time worshipping Him.
At the festival Pete Grieg said that he believed that there will be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God on the churches in these islands to bring down injustice and to make the name of Jesus loved again.
[In the youthwork they focused on "Breakthrough Prayer - how to pray until something happens"
The kids work centred around "How to follow the way of Jesus (sounds like our autumn focus) and how they (and all of us) can be fire starters and carriers of God's presence in our own lives and those around us.
Our prayer is that those who come back from Wildfires will bring back a spark of God's Spirit to us here so that we can be re-ignited to continue to be part of God's wildfire here in Bermondsey (and Rotherhithe), seeing lives changed with Jesus' power and love
We celebrated Easter together with a joint churches Good Friday gathering in the Blue. Â Easter Sunday was at Haddon with an intergenerational celebration. The clothes swap team sprang into action in May and since then there has been a men's camping weekend, visitors galore with a group of Korean intercessors, a 50 strong group of Latvian young people working alongside half a dozen local churches to do outreach, creative prayer times and games in the building and plenty of summer picnics, including one where our toddler group parents and children joined us.
2024 kicked off with a prayer walk around our local area, work in a local primary school, the inaugural meeting of the Haddon gardening club, both a men's and then a ladies movie night.  Although there are no photos there have been prayer and worship evenings and our life groups met to study Romans.  As the cold crept in we opened our 'warm space' to the community on Wednesdays, for free hot drinks, pastries and soup, as well as a warm and friendly welcome and table tennis.  We marked Earth Hour by meeting together by candlelight, watching Tower Bridge, the Shard and the City turn their lights out and reflecting on God's creation.  There was a joint churches youth event called R1. Phil, one of our leaders also retired and we said goodbye to him although he will still be attending the church as his wife, Karen, will continue to lead.
The opening of Haddon Hall's psalm 23 pocket garden was the focus of September. A glorious day and a wonderful celebration to open up the area. Creationtide Sunday followed with lots of garden based activities, including bulb planting. We look forward to seeing the results in spring.
There was also a beautiful Advent evening of music and crafts followed a week later with the baptisms of three people.
Since Easter we had another visit from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and began to see the pocket park take shape. Community involvement took place with children from Grange Primary School, Tower Bridge Care Home and through a Community workshop at the church building. Go to the Psalm 23 garden tab to find out more.  There was a successful cake sale, two Alpha groups run, a very enjoyable men's camping weekend, the launch of our Haddon as a Garden metaphor image, another R1 (joint churches youth meeting) event and a welcome break over the summer month, with picnics each Sunday. Not everyone was having a break over the summer as some of our young people and adults set off for two youth camps. A good, if not slightly damp time was had by all.